Alaska State Rep Claims Hitler Was Not A White Supremacist, Just "Fearful of the Jewish Nation"

Alaska State Rep. Ben Carpenter (R) sent an email to his fellow state legislators objecting to a new process in which they would all have the option to undergo a health screening before entering the state house. The health screenings would not be mandatory, but anyone who chose to forgo them would need to wear a sticker so that those around them could be aware, for their own health.

In his email, Carpenter wrote: “If my sticker falls off, do I get a new one or do I get public shaming too? Are the stickers available as a yellow Star of David?” 

When asked by a reporter from the Anchorage Daily News to comment on the email, Carpenter replied: “People want to say Hitler was a white supremacist. No. He was fearful of the Jewish nation, and that drove him into some unfathomable atrocities.”

Carpenter’s email continued a growing antisemitic trend of Republican lawmakers likening COVID-related public health restrictions to the Holocaust. His follow-up statement went even further, analogizing Jews to an infectious and potentially deadly disease.

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