Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) Uses Antisemitic Dog Whistle

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) shared an article from a far-right outlet about the State Department, adding a comment including the antisemitic dog whistle "globalists."

Gosar's retweet contained links to an article in the right-wing outlet Revolver, which is run and predominantly authored by white nationalist Darren Beattie. The article alleged that State Department employee George Kent was involved in subversion against the Trump administration. Without any evidence, the article linked Kent's work at the State Department to so-called 'Color Revolutions' in Belarus and Ukraine.

Gosar added the following commentary to his retweet: "Globalists are as globalists do. Note the prominent role of Obama and John Kerry in foreign interference with elections."

Gosar has a history of sharing antisemitic content, including falsely claiming that the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville was organized by supporters of former President Barack Obama. Gosar also falsely claimed that Jewish philanthropist and Holocaust survivor George Soros turned in his own family to Nazis.

Sophie Ellman-Golan