Republican Lobbyist and Wife of Justice Thomas Shares Antisemitic Post on Facebook

Ginni Thomas, a Republican lobbyist and the wife of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, shared an antisemitic meme on Facebook from self-described “America First” page, “The Great American Movement.”

The meme features photos of Alex Soros (the son of Jewish philanthropist George Soros) with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Text overlaying the photos asks “who is really running the Democrat Party?” and answers “The Soros Family.” The image’s caption read “George Soros is training his family to carry on his evil legacy.”

What the “Rothschilds” conspiracy theory about the wealthy Jewish Rothschild family was to the 19th and early-to-mid 20th Centuries, the Soros family is to the 20th Century.

Just as the Nazis made a film about “the Rothschilds” to promote antisemitic propaganda, right-wing conspiracy theorists validated by politically powerful conservative figures like Ginni Thomas spread antisemitic memes and Youtube videos about Soros today.

The political right frequently casts Soros as an international “puppet-master,” drawing on ugly stereotypes and antisemitic conspiracy theories about a global Jewish cabal secretly controlling government and world affairs. The meme Thomas shared promoted this antisemitic canard, first by explicitly asserting that the Democratic Party is run by “the Soros family,” but also with the claim that Soros is passing an “evil legacy” onto his family. The description of a Jewish family as “evil” is very much in line with medieval Christian depictions of Jews as “children of Satan” working with and worshiping the Devil. This was one of the driving beliefs behind portrayals of Jews as having horns.