Trump Jr. Compares DNC Platform to the Nazi Party's Platform.

In 2018, Donald Trump Jr. emerged from a screening of Dinesh D’Souza’s Death of a Nation and likened the Democratic National Committee’s platform to that of the Nazi party. 

The 2018 “documentary” Death of a Nation presented a revisionist history in which President Donald Trump is depicted as akin to President Abraham Lincoln — both in terms of political leadership and the threats posed against him by his opposition. In the film, D’Souza, a far-right extremist who wrote and directed it, posits that the Democratic Party from both the Civil War era and the present is comparable to authoritarian regimes, including the Nazi Party.  

“You see the Nazi platform in the early 1930s…and you look at it compared to, like, the DNC platform of today, you’re saying, man, those things are awfully similar,” said Trump Jr. following a viewing of the film. He continued:

“When you have a bunch of kids in dreadlocks running around screaming about ‘fascism’ and all these things, it’s like, wait a second, have you actually taken a history class, do you actually know what these words mean that you’re running around and spewing. And I think they don’t.”

Efforts from conservative figures and Republican politicians to compare Democrats to Nazis have increased in the two years since Trump Jr.’s statements. The comparisons are wildly inaccurate.