Trump Boosts Holocaust Denier's Twitter Account and Thanks White Nationalist Michelle Malkin

Donald Trump shared a tweet from the “America First” account run by Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes. Fuentes is so extreme that his openly racist and antisemitic views have even caused some staunchly right-wing pundits and politicians to distance themselves from him.

Once boosted by Trump, the Twitter account began recommending that its new followers also follow Fuentes’ personal account.

The tweet Trump shares includes a video clip of white nationalist Michelle Malkin, who Trump thanks in his tweet. Malkin is an extremist white nationalist who has suggested that it is reasonable to doubt that six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. She has cited Replacement Theory — a racist and antisemitic conspiracy that Jews are secretly behind the demographic shifts taking pace in the United States in order to bring about “white genocide” — and said “it’s not conspiracy theory. It’s conspiracy fact.” (See below for full quote).

Six months before Trump thanked her on Twitter, Malkin gave a speech in which she stated she “will not disavow” Nick Fuentes, the white nationalist site VDARE, white nationalist speechwriter Darren Beattie, and a host of other far-right racist figures. In the same speech, she said:

Behind closed doors, the Soros/SPLC left cackles about the grand hoodwinking of America and the success of the demographic Reconquista. In public, they attack any truth-tellers as conspiracists peddling the Great Replacement Theory – like the Soros hitmen of Media Matters who likened me to the Tree of Life synagogue shooter in September for exposing the financiers behind demographic disaster. It isn’t a conspiracy theory. It’s conspiracy fact.

Malkin also has a column on Unz Review, a site whose ‘Banned Books’ section includes a book entitled “Auschwitz: A Three-Quarter Century of Propaganda.”